What Is Your Job? by Taylor

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There are many jobs in the world. What kind, well presidents , teachers, doctors, and everybody has a little bit of smart in them. And somebody who is smart can solve problems and difficulties.

Are you smart and in need of work??? Well of course there may be someone in your class who just needs more eduction or just in life there might be someone like that. But that doesn't mean that their not smart everybody is smart in some way. Do you wonder what job you will get because of your smartness??? Well you'll find out in just a few minutes if you take this quiz!!!

Created by: Taylor

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you like to do in your free time??
  2. What would you like to be???
  3. What's your favorite band??🎤🎤
  4. What's your favorite book??📚
  5. What's your favorite color??
  6. Have you passed 7th grade??
  7. Have you ever had a serious relationship??
  8. Do you plan on living in a big city???🌃🌃
  9. Bonjour!!!
  10. What would you rather have???

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Quiz topic: What Is my Job? by Taylor