What is your IQ ?

There are few people who have a IQ of 100% let's see if you fall under that catergory Maybe you can be the next Steve hawking. This IQ is not for the faint of hearted ... This is SPARTA (lol) This quiz will make you want to have more ... But if you don't like it I will reduce your marks

Ever wondered your position on a IQ list ... Now you don't have to wonder anymore The answer lies in this Quiz... This Quiz won't only let you know your IQ but it will uplift you even if you get low marks ... Its different from all the other quizzies so Try it out

Created by: Ralph
  1. How many hair does a average human have ?
  2. The first humans on earth ?
  3. What do you want ?
  4. Fill in the missing word .... When I did buy my car I was S_c_
  5. What will you do if a man robs you with a bomb ?
  6. A needle just went down your throat (you are choking dude!!!) While, you are in a serious meeting ?
  7. You did poop (Diarrhea) in your pants and everyone in the taxi is smelling (while the taxi is about to stop at your destination) ???
  8. You were kidnapped and the people over you one thing to choose from ?
  9. What is the best invention ?
  10. You accidently drink weed juice at a funeral ?
  11. You are on a date with this Hot man/lady and then fart and it's about to stink I mean like "I don't wanna live anymore " STINK

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Quiz topic: What is my IQ ?