Are you the next Stephen Hawking?

Are you the next Stephen Hawking? Are you smart enough and similar enough to be the most revolutionary mind aka Stephen Hawking? Are you Hawking or not?

Are you the Next Revolutionary Person? Well, you can not be, or you CAN be. You must come and find out or Stephen will leave you in the darkness of space.

Created by: Ben
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What grades do you get?
  2. Do you have glasses?
  3. Do you like science?
  4. Which book is by Stephen Hawking?
  5. Do you have a creative mind yet lined by evidence and logic?
  6. Have you thought of Cambridge?
  7. What will be your fav job?
  8. Are you intelligent?
  9. Are you stupid?
  10. Bye.(no effect)

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Quiz topic: Am I the next Stephen Hawking?