What is the best apple product for you?

Hey figure out what the best apple product created is for you will it be the ipod ipad iphone or mac all designed by apple in califrnia have fun thanks! :D

I hope you enjoy the quiz remember here is a tip NEVER buy a fake apple product for china they Never work and cost about the same as the normal ones enjoy your product :D

Created by: Rico
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what size product do you like?
  2. what colour do you like?
  3. would you like a case on it?
  4. would you like to surf the web better?
  5. what price range would you like?
  6. would you like a bigger screen?
  7. would you like a product designed by steve jobs?
  8. do you like this quiz so far?
  9. would you like to get a plan on it?
  10. how often would you use it?
  11. what would you use it for?

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