what apple product would be for you?

this will determine wether any apple products wouyld be good for you. e.g. ipod ipod touch. that sought of stuff. it doesn't mean that none of the others will be good foryou. they might.

this is only a rough estimate. and just for a bit of fun. i really hope you enjoy taking the quiz and finding outyour score!!!! :)) and feel free totake it again.

Created by: camergue
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you do on the weekends?
  2. what type of person are you
  3. how tall are you?
  4. what hair colour do you have?
  5. what colour eyes do you have?
  6. what do you do on rainy days?
  7. whatdo you do on sunny days?
  8. are you bored yet?
  9. where do you live?
  10. do you have any of theseapple products?

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