What is Personal Autonomy?

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Do you know what it means to be an autonomous person? Or, what "personal autonomy" represents? How does it affect a person's life and the choices they either do or don't make?

In case you don't know, "personal autonomy" isn't easy. It can be scary and intimidating. Yet, we all seek it. Test your knowledge and take the Personal Autonomy Quiz now. Discover what autonomy can do for you.

Created by: sandra of autonomy
(your link here more info)
  1. What does Autonomy mean?
  2. When individuals have Autonomy, they...
  3. Personal Autonomy is important because...
  4. Which action(s) displays Personal Autonomy?
  5. Why do individuals desire Personal Autonomy?
  6. What happens to a person with Low Autonomy?
  7. What can suppress Personal Autonomy?
  8. Where does a person's Autonomy start and finish?
  9. Potential benefits of Autonomy include:
  10. When does a person recognize the need for Personal Autonomy?

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