what hunter X hunter character are you

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the show hunter X hunter is awesome therefore i have made a quiz for it i hope you enjoy it, have fun, be good, please comment and rate highly and thanks for playing

so which one are you hmmm, hmmmm, oh thats right you havent taken it yet, well youd better hurry, but then again take your time this quiz isnt going any where

Created by: Bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you seek revenge for anything
  2. if you could have any of these abilities which would it be
  3. do you like killing people
  4. are you good with card tricks
  5. do you always see the bright side of the situation
  6. which job would you rather have
  7. what way would you win a game
  8. what most describes you
  9. what title would you rather have
  10. do you like the quiz? (yes this does affect your outcome)

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Quiz topic: What hunter X hunter character am I