What horror movie is it?

There are many people who like horror... Then there are people who LOVE horror. If you want to survive this quiz you have to have the brains, the love and the blood and guts!

Do you have the blood and the power to survive a quiz like this. If you do call the horror hotline a.k.a this quiz. I hope you enjoy and please comment:)

Created by: Itsfreddy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who said " Helen, be my victim" in a parking lot?
  2. "1,2 ...... coming for you. 3,4 better lock your door" these infamous lines were spoken by what horror villain?
  3. With a hockeymask on his face, and a machete in his hand, which horror movie villain kills for pleasure
  4. " sorry officer, we don't allow gum in this house" spoken by one seriously messed up parent. What is this movie?
  5. " Oh you got a letter?! I get run over! Helen gets her hair chopped of and Julie gets a body in her trunk! Well that's balenced!" these lines were spoken in what movie?
  6. These words were spoken in which movie " Andy came back. Some boys never do."?
  7. Leatherface and his family of cannibals lived happily until some interfering teens muddled with his chainsaw. What movie is this?
  8. " To her it is just another child. To us it is the Beast." What movie is this?
  9. In what movie did a little boy say " I see dead people"?
  10. Did you like this quiz? BE HONEST!!!!

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