Would you survive a horror movie?

Many people ask "I wonder if I could live through a horror movie?" Well find out now... But be warned be prepared 'cause you'll have to make tough calls but in order to have fun answer what you would HONESTLY do.

Do you're friends call you a scaredy cat? Well take this quiz and find out if they are right about you. Be afraid be very afraid...

Created by: Joel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in your car alone at night and it breaks down do you...
  2. A killer is chasing you down a dark corridor you...
  3. You hear someone in your house it's night and your sister is also home you...
  4. Your friend is bleeding to death and the killer is a couple feet away from your friend. Also the exit is right beside you.
  5. Your in your car and a killer is reaching in your window swinging his knife wildly at you. You...
  6. Your running down a dead street and a car is coming at you trying to run you over. You...
  7. Your on a boat and you find a dead person in your room you..
  8. All day you had the feeling like sombody's watching you. You.
  9. Your're babysitting for a new family that everyone says are weird and you hear weird noises coming from the baby's room. You.
  10. A child has been following you all day and it looks very familiar. You...
  11. You found a stash of weapons. Whitch do you take? (You're in a house)

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