What Gravi Character are you?

Take mai quiz before i call the poepoe in here!! xD jk!! But yeah. See you get either, K Ryu-Chan, Yuki, or Shuichi!! I would have put Kuma but he wouldnt let meh!! -Ryu walks in- Ryu: THATS CAS HES SHY!! me: HES A BUNNEH!! Ryu: SO!? >.> me: <.< but yeeeeeeeah thats why we wont have a kuma with us this evening. .

Ryu: -sticks tougn out- Me: <.< thats it! -tackle- Kuma: but yeah peps this quiz is pretteh kewl and random soooooooo go and take it!! And no were not like some noobs that THINK they know Gravitation just cas they watched the anime. We read the manga including the EX. vol. 1 so. . . your welcome! <3

Created by: Kinara Sakuma <3

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay Dokey then. Welcome to mai quiz!! Lets first start out with the usual. What chur fav cola!?
  2. Okay. Now what would you do if you saw 20$ on the ground?
  3. nac uoy dnatsrednu tahw mi gniyas?
  4. alright. Now who would you dance with on dancing with the stars!? 8D
  5. alright. Whats your opinion on Death Note?
  6. What do you think about Scrubs then?
  7. -is eating pockey- would you like some pockey?
  8. so. Uke or Seme?
  9. what did you think of mai quiz?
  10. okay then. . . .bye!!

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Quiz topic: What Gravi Character am I?