What Elemental Fairy Are You?

Do you like fairies? Have you ever wanted to be one? What element would it be? Find out in this quiz! For fairy(fairy; wink, wink)tale lovers of the kid age this is a perfect quiz. Ready for some magic testing?

In this quiz, I used the basic elements: Fire, Air, Water, and Nature. But what element are YOU? In this quiz, you won't only find out what element would you be perfect, bu also unleashes your inner element personality. After taking this quiz, tell me if you would want me to make a nymph quiz. GOOD LUCK!

Created by: Julia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do your friends think of you?
  2. You are walking with your friend in the mall, and wander into the make-up shop, and you see lipstick arranged and neatly standing, you want one. Which one would you buy?
  3. You are going outside to get fresh air. You...
  4. What is your fave outfit to wear?
  5. What is your best sport to play?
  6. On a rainy day, you are bored and you want to do something interesting. You...
  7. What dance would you prefer?
  8. What is your fave color?
  9. Do you like fairies?
  10. Do you want me to make a nymph quiz?

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Quiz topic: What Elemental Fairy am I?