what color best suits you?

there are many smart people in the world.a couple are clever and a couple are not so open minded.what is a genius you say?a genius is someoen super smart and wise.

are YOU a genius?do you have colors all around you?or is that just LUCKY?well,take this quiz and find out to see what color best suits you and whatc olor you live with.

Created by: arijana
  1. are you happy most of the time?
  2. do you like blood?
  3. do you like the sky?
  4. do you like oranges?
  5. do you like $$$?
  6. the last question meant money,do you like money?
  7. choose one
  8. what is your favorite color?
  9. the last one did not count,how do you feel about clouds?
  10. what was or is your favorite cartoon character?

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Quiz topic: What color best suits me?