what character r u?

there are many different characters all over the world... everyone is different and unique. don't copy other people... be your self. that's why everyone love you...

there are many different characters all over the world... everyone is different and unique.. No one is the same character with somebody else so keep loving your self as it is...u will know when you'll have to change it...

Created by: hnhnhn
  1. A friend tells you that he needs a good advice for a very important problem and you answer....
  2. the best saturday night is....
  3. people think you are more...
  4. your parents tell you that you can go anywhee u want for saturday's night....and you say...
  5. you believe you are...
  6. if you were an animal u would be...
  7. u like being...
  8. do u believe that a person can change his character any time?
  9. i don't know what to say so... are u boring?(no effect)
  10. which place fits perfect to you?

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