What cartoon are you?

Do you like cartoons? If you have ever wondered what cartoon you were this might be a fun quiz to take. This is my first quiz so tell me how I did! Thanks for clicking on it.

Oh, and please anwser honestly. The quiz will have better results if you do! (I hope you enjoy it, and thanks again, I really really appreciate it?!!!

Created by: MJM

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your favorite type of drink?
  2. Favorite type of music?
  3. What religion are you?
  4. Which of these would be your favorite birthday present?
  5. Which of these U.S states would you most want to live in?
  6. Out of these jobs which is the most appealing?
  7. Which is better?
  8. What kind of movie do you like?
  9. What do you think of bugs?
  10. What would your super power be?
  11. Thanks for taking this quiz! (this won't count in your result)

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Quiz topic: What cartoon am I?