What Animal Are You?

hi this quiz was made when i was really really very bored and was listening to BOYS LIKE GIRLS because they are totally awsome but anyways take this quiz if you want i dont really care that much actually i dont care at all......

anyways if you are going to take it, it is about what animal are you the questions are crappy and like i said i was bored and the results may not be that accurate anyway but if you are going to take it good luck you'll need it.........

Created by: Jessica

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite color
  2. You listen to
  3. Pick One
  4. What are you wearing RIGHT NOW
  5. What does your name start with
  6. You
  7. What would make you laugh the most
  8. Who are you
  9. Pick One
  10. hi............

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Quiz topic: What Animal am I?