Typical Teenager

Many different descriptions can arise as to the Typical Teenager. The Grungy Guy, Drama Queen, Butterfly, Nerd, Jock, Artsy Fartsy type, and Outcast are all very common.

Where do you fall in these fine categories? Well, my friend, the wait is over to find out! Results may differ from your thoughts about yourself. Keep an open mind!!

Created by: KoalaLemon of myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you see a girl walking down the hall with a fake Gucci bag, you...
  2. The teacher asks a question about the topic you are studying in class that particular day, you...
  3. You get a night off Fiday night. You...
  4. You turn on the radio in your car. The first thing you hear is...
  5. If you dropped, lost, threw, or by any other means renderred your cell phone completely useless, you would...
  6. Your ideal pet is...
  7. Your voicemail...
  8. You are the type of person that...
  9. You woke up to get ready for school. To get dressed you...
  10. You turn on the TV and see...

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