This quiz will check your English and grammar skills!

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Please take this quiz and answer seriously, as this will affect any future tests or SATs you will take. Hear that? Good. Just enjoy the quiz!

How well will YOU score in this great quiz? You can tell me what you got in the comments if you want! And please remember, English and grammar play a big role in our everyday life. That's why it's so important!

Created by: Natalya
  1. The elephant fell off the swing. What is the noun in the previous sentence?
  2. How do you spell the word (fruit) which is similar to a pear?
  3. How do you ride a bike? What is the verb in the previous sentence?
  4. How do you spell the word which means "to rest unconsciously"?
  5. Throw the can in the bin! What is the preposition in the previous sentence?
  6. How do you spell the word which is used when firemen_______(word above the line) put out fire?
  7. Is "pancake" a noun, pronoun, adverb, interjection, or an adjective?
  8. Can the word "post" be turned into a verb?
  9. Can the word "opal" be turned into a verb?
  10. What is this punctuation mark called? ";".

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Quiz topic: This quiz will check my English and grammar skills!