How good is your grammar?

Grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar grammar is good.

Grammar is very important to me, and should be sort-of important to you. It's one of the many misused things in the English language. It will get you through school pretty easily, too, if you learn how to use it correctly.

Created by: BatLover
  1. Which is spelled correctly?
  2. Which sentence has correct grammar?
  3. Which has correct punctuation?
  4. How do you think your doing?
  5. Which name* doesn't have correct grammar?
  6. What's missing from this sentence? Roses are red violets are blue the nights never end without you.
  7. Do YOu lIKe thIs???
  8. Which sentence from a song has incorrect grammar?
  9. Only 2 more questions to go!
  10. Fill in the blanks; Look at that over ____! Look at ____ cool hat! ____ crazy for chocolate!
  11. This is the last question! Good bye, for now. Did you learn anything about using/having correct grammar?

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Quiz topic: How good is my grammar?