TheSmithPlays Quiz!

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TheSmithPlays is a Canadian YouTuber who plays Call of Duty Zombies, he creates all kinds of videos and was one of the first people to make Top Fives.

How Much do you know about TheSmithPlays? Think you know absolutely everything about him? Let's put that to the test in this awesome quiz that may make you think.

Created by: Lewis
  1. What is TheSmithPlays' Full Real Name?
  2. Who is TheSmithPlays going to play in the upcoming '115 Film'
  3. Which of these was one of his former channels?
  4. Which of these YouTubers does TheSmithPlays play with most?
  5. Which of these challenges was made by TheSmithPlays himself?
  6. What is the map that TheSmithPlays hates most?
  7. What is TheSmithPlays' Favourite (It has a u to Canadians and British People) Custom Zombies Map?
  8. What gun does TheSmithPlays hate most?
  9. What is TheSmithPlays' highest round?
  10. Why does TheSmithPlays not like the Town area of TranZit?
  11. What is TheSmithPlays' Favourite Non-115 Weapon?
  12. What was MoreSmithPlays Originally Called?
  13. What was the first video on the actual TheSmithPlays channel? Don't Look!
  14. What is TheSmithPlays' least favourite perk?
  15. Which of these is the Best YouTuber Ever?

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