CoD Zombies Quiz

Treyarch inspires many people in Call of Duty to play zombies. Many easter eggs and secrets lie within the zombie maps. The first sight of the zombies experience was simple, then a story and meaning grew for the survivors.

Test your knowledge about Richtofen and the crew, and even the other crews of survivors. Do you have what it takes to survive the zombie onslaught? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Ian
  1. In pre-patch Die Rise, how much damage could the sliquefier deal to zombies?
  2. In der eisendrache of BO3, what is the least amount of points you can spend for ALL 9 Perk-a-colas?
  3. What weapon is Packed into the Gut Shot
  4. What are deadshot Daiquiri's 2 effects?
  5. When was vulture-aid introduced?
  6. What is Nikolai's Nationality
  7. What is the only perk that changed from BO to BO2?
  8. What does Richtofen do in the opening cutscene of The Giant?
  9. Who is the boss of Mob of the Dead?
  10. How many maps have end game easter eggs?

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