The Zombie Hunter Quiz

You are surrounded... Zombies to your left, Zombies to your right, and you're low on ammo. So what do you do? Break out that can of Chuck Norris and teach the undead hordes who rules the free world!

Can you survive Z-day? Who do you know that will succumb to the walking dead? Find out in this multi-sourced, multi-outcomed quiz made with love, smiles, and zombie gore... Enjoy!

Created by: trollin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many plans do you have for the Zombie Apocalypse?
  2. Are you familiar with the movies- Night of The Living Dead, Diary of the Dead, Zombieland, and Day of The Dead?
  3. Do you own a firearm and ammo for said firearm?
  4. Do you have a blunt edged or sharp edged object (in your house, apartment, cardboard box, etc.) or near you at the moment?
  5. Which of these strategic options makes the most sense.
  6. Your friend is bitten by a Zombie, you have a gun with plenty of ammo, he begs you not to kill him. Remember, killing a friend is not easy in reality.
  7. You find a bag of firearms in the street, but you can only take one, which would you pick?
  8. Have You read any Zombie Survival books, such as "The Zombie Survival Guide," or "Rise Again?"
  9. What is your long term survival plan?
  10. Which of the following is True?

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