The SSP Sorting Test

This is the official test for the SSP. Please be completely honest during this test and then go to the SSP subreddit r/thessp with your results of your test.

This test is a very important part of the SSP so make sure you go through it with anticipation and great hope. Each person has a special place right for them so good luck!

Created by: Carr
  1. What is a characteristic that you like about yourself?
  2. What are some traits you do not like?
  3. If you were about to enter an argument involving someone or something you deeply care about how would you prepare?
  4. Would you describe yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?
  5. Of the five what is your favorite animal?
  6. What color are your eyes?
  7. If you came across three different paths all going to the same location which one would you take?
  8. Which of these would you rather be?
  9. What are some traits you like in other people?
  10. What do you most fear?

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