The Smart Quiz!

How are you? Good? Well congrats ! You are smart! Not!! Haha! Jk! If you have gotten this far you are probably a little smart! You for example are probably one of the splendid people that love me!

How did you become so smart!?! Well? Spit it out I wanna know your secret! Sike! I don't wanna know your secret cause I'm already smart! Well anyways in a few minutes you'll find out how smart you really are and if my test put your brain to the challenge!

Created by: boomoo
  1. Who was the 44th president?
  2. Why are you taking this quiz?
  3. What is 2+2+2+2?
  4. WHATiS the first letter to "BLACKBERRY"?
  5. What is cat spelled backwards?
  6. What's the name of this quiz?
  7. Do U think your smart?
  8. What's obamas last name?
  9. Who asassinated lincoln?
  10. How many question are there?

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