The "Real" Eminem Quiz | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The "Real" Eminem Quiz.

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  • So you called me a fan you should stop listening f--- you. I've been a fan for about a year and a half and in that time I've learned Rap God, am close to getting Godzilla, and started writing my own lyrics. So maybye you should stop listening because you are asking the dumb questions. (Sorry for any bad gramer I'm just pissed.

    Rapping Stan
  • On your "parting words" you wrote "aswell". It's actually "as well"...TWO DIFFERENT WORDS!!!!!

    • So you called me a fan you should stop listening f--- you. I've been a fan for about a year and a half and in that time I've learned Rap God, am close to getting Godzilla, and started writing my own lyrics. So maybye you should stop listening because you are asking the dumb questions. (Sorry for any bad gramer I'm just pissed.

      Rapping Stan
    • Sorry not ment tword you my first comment.

      Rapping Stan
  • I am an eminem fan and if i dont know what he likes to drink or whatever will not stop me listen to his music and by the way tour quiz was not so amazing it was like ok whatever the ''REAL'' eminem quiz huh wtf title

    Ankit singh
  • His first album was actually soul intent...

  • You can't just tell someone to stop listening to his music if they don't get all the questions right on your quiz . Who are you to determine who knows Marshall or not ? You didn't ask any questions about him , who he is as a person . You just asked s--- like "what's his favorite drink" and "where did he take Hailie" wtf ? That's not about HIM as a PERSON . So , you may know EMINEM , but I know MARSHALL BRUCE MATHERS III more than you ever will . Conversation over .

  • His favorite pop is definitely Diet Coke, lol.

  • I [heart] Eminem, but at least I'm not a stalker. -___-


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