The Percy Jackson Series Quiz

This quiz was created due to the release of the 4th book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, Battle of the Labyrinth. The book was really amazing. I thought to myself, hey, why not make a quiz on the series? See if people read stuff I like. That's y your taking this now.

This quiz was created due to the release of the 4th book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, Battle of the Labyrinth. The book was really amazing. I thought to myself, hey, why not make a quiz on the series? See if people read stuff I like. That's y your taking this now. Have fun taking the quiz!

Created by: Costa
  1. Which of the following is a running gag in the book series?
  2. Who plays Mythomagic?
  3. Complete this Oracle line: And fail without friends, to ______________.
  4. Who received that prophecy in question 4?
  5. What is the Greek name for Percy's sword?
  6. One Fury showed up at Yancy Academy disguised as a.
  7. What "classroom lesson" does Percy teach a group of telekhines?
  8. Where is the Ophiotaurus?
  9. Complete this Oracle line: Five shall go to the goddess in chains, _______________.
  10. What does Grover do to distract the skeleton warriors at Hoover Dam?
  11. What is Kronos' scythe disguised as?
  12. What is Annabeth's fatal flaw?
  13. Complete this Oracle line: You shall go west and face the god who has turned,
  14. Who are Cyclopes usually sons of?
  15. What does Tyson's wristwatch do?

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