The Music Quiz...

So many genres so litttle time But, Why did you choose this quiz? Who knows, maybe you were bored, maybe you had high hopes in this quiz maybe you randomely picked it.

What Genre are YOU listening to? what are you doing NOT taking this quiz? But, Why did you choose this quiz? Who knows, maybe you were bored, maybe you had high hopes in this quiz maybe you randomely picked it.

Created by: Bellatrix
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Out of these six, which one would you rather listen to?
  2. Out of these options, which movie would you rather see?
  3. Which one of these songs would you rather listen to?
  4. Th music store you walked into ison fire! you are near the back of the building, theres only one exit-the front. You have to grab 3 CDs to protect yourself and 3 to save, What 3 do you use to protect yourself> (The 3 you use to protect yourself will be dastroyed on the way out, but you and the other 3 CDs will be safe)
  5. Now, What 3 do you chose to grab and keep (and listen to when you get out of there)?
  6. What Do you think of the band Moi Dix Mois?
  7. What do you think of Katy Perry's Hot & cold, Ur so gay, and i kissed a girl?
  8. Wy did you take this quiz? ( don't worry there is only 2 more Question after this one!)
  9. Why are you still taking this Quiz?
  10. What Books is your fave out of these 6?

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