The Vasilis Tsitsanis Bio and Music Quiz

Vasilis Tsitsanis' music is known everywhere in Greece and around the world. He is one of the leading composers of the music that has also been called "The Greek Blues". What do you really know about this great personality brought forward by the Greek musical tradition? Play the Quiz and find out!

Are YOU a Tsitsanis expert? Do you not only like his music, but also know a great deal about the man himself and his music? Play the "Vasilis Tsitsanis Bio and Music Quiz" and find out!

Created by: Eirene of Vasilis Tsitsanis
(your link here more info)
  1. Where was Vasilis Tsitsanis born?
  2. What was Tsitsanis bound to do when he left home in 1935?
  3. Who is the singer on Tsitsanis' first recording of the song "S'enan Teke"?
  4. What is the song "Synnefiasmeni Kyriaki" about?
  5. In which famous tavern did Greek moviemakers record a scene with Tsitsanis and his band playing?
  6. Which famous singer of Tsitsanis' songs died in 1956?
  7. How many songs have been composed by Vasilis Tsitsanis?
  8. Tsitsanis is said to have been the initiator of a certain Greek musical style. Which one?
  9. In 1983, Tsitsanis wrote his last songs. Which one of them is the most famous one?
  10. In 1983, Vasilis Tsitsanis passed away, after a period of severe illness. Where did he die?

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