The Method of Death

This is a quiz designed to help you live a more fulfilling life. Wouldn't you like to know how you will die, so that you can take precautions and lengthen your lifespan? Think of all the useful things you could do with the extra years of life this knowledge will bring you. Only a fool would choose not to take this quiz.

Scientists have found that 100% of people who do not take this quiz will die anyway. Science has proven that taking this quiz has the potential to significantly extend your lifespan (when combined with eating a healthy diet, not smoking, having good genes and generally not doing dangerous things or stuff that might kill you).

Created by: Monique & Jacob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favourite animal?
  2. If you were to meet a hungry fire-breathing dragon, would you:
  3. Well, I do think its time for a.... LET FATE DECIDE QUESTION!!! Choose your favourite!
  4. Which word best describes how you are feeling right now?
  5. What are you wearing right now?
  6. What best describes your personality?
  7. What would be your ideal pet?
  8. What is your preferred method of transport?
  9. What is your favourite type of book?
  10. What type of Music do you like to listen to???
  11. What is your ideal occupation?
  12. If you were stranded in the jungle, surrounded by wild animals, would you:
  13. What is your favourite Sport?
  14. How do you think you will die?
  15. If you could be any kind of fruit, which one would it be?
  16. How would you like to die?
  17. Which of the following holidays would you be most likely to take?
  18. What type of Food do you like to eat?!

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