The Mc Gregor Quiz

You have people who just follow the crowd and you have others who know what they are doing. Are you one of these last ones? And you do like to shop or just the Mc Gregor store. Try this test and learn about the background of the Mc Gregors stores, next time you'll know what you really are doing when you'll go for a shop.

Do you love shopping, especially buying stuff from the new collection of famous brand names? But you don't like to be called a "snob", well if you pass this test without many troubles you'll no longer be a snob to others but an expert!

Created by: Haline
  1. When and where did McGregor opened his First store.
  2. Are there shops which are especially for women , men or childrens only?
  3. What can you buy in the online McGregor store?
  4. What contains "mcgregor specials".
  5. How many euros does it cost "voucher" for your newsletter subscription?
  6. In how many different languages can you read this site?
  7. What does T&C mean?
  8. Are they looking for new people to work at mcgregors?
  9. In which countries can you contact Mcgregor?
  10. What does MFG means?

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