The Insane Quiz

Well, there are lots of crap around in the world, but few can harness the powers of them. For every crap that happens, whether which one of the 5 senses interacts with it, it multiplies the power of the greatest god ever, Alibaba. Everyone that has taken this test has become an Alibaba supporter and has increased his power by at least two fold. Be one of them, today.

And so, are you going ot be one of these elites of the world? Will you learn to be as crappy as Chuck Norris or George Bush? All you need to know is within 50 clicks away in this short, wonderful test to determnie your crappiness!

Created by: Daren
  1. Meht gnitcennoc egdirb eno htiw noitnem ot ton ,edis yb edis dexif neht dna flah otni tuc neht dna eno yb deilpitlum owt yb dedivid eno sulp eno si tahw
  2. I was born on the same date as your grandmother, same year as your father, and a female and have done at least 3 heroic acts. I am?
  3. Although broken, they shall always exist and surround us. Also, we don't like to be confined in them and they shall outlive us all. What are they? Hint: They are neither nothing nor something.
  4. According or not with literature meaning, what do you call a small bun with a cherry on top dancing?
  5. Part One: Do you know how to spell Querztowyinghapld-cvkmfbjx? Part Two: Spell Querztowyinghapld-cvkmfbjx Part Three: Pronounce Querztowyinghapld-cvkmfbjx
  6. Define 'a' and divide that definition with the definition of 'it'. Then go and be a fool.
  7. 1/0 = ?
  8. I will outlive you.
  9. You are a fool.
  10. Read every sentence word by word. Read them as fast and as accurate as you can. If you make one mistake, then you must go back and re-read EVERYTHIG from the start. Then you read everything backwards to know what the question is. Alibaba will tell you this is. Alibaba will tell you is is. Alibaba will tell you how is. Alibaba will tell you to is. Alibaba will tell you keep is. Alibaba will tell you a is. Alibaba will tell you fool is. Alibaba will tell you busy is. Alibaba will tell you for is. Alibaba will tell you five is. Alibaba will tell you minutes is. Alibaba will tell you answer is Alibaba will tell you not is Alibaba will tell you two is Now, got the message yet? If not, read the fifth word of every sentence on more time.
  11. Read every sentence word by word. Read them as fast and as accurate as you can. If you make one mistake, then you must go back and re-read EVERYTHIG from the start. Then you read everything backwards to know what the question is. Alibaba will tell you this is. Alibaba will tell you is is. Alibaba will tell you how is. Alibaba will tell you to is. Alibaba will tell you keep is. Alibaba will tell you a is. Alibaba will tell you fool is. Alibaba will tell you busy is. Alibaba will tell you for is. Alibaba will tell you five is. Alibaba will tell you minutes is. Alibaba will tell you answer is Alibaba will tell you not is Alibaba will tell you two is Now, got the message yet? If not, read the fifth word of every sentence on more time.
  12. Scissors, Paper, Stone! Can you defeat me in this luck game?
  13. Scissors, Paper, Stone! Can you defeat me in this luck game?
  14. Scissors, Paper, Stone! Can you defeat me in this luck game?
  15. Who do I workship?
  16. What is 1/1? This is one of the toughest questions in this quiz. Read it VERY carefully.
  17. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Hint: It is neither
  18. I go to a pub. Is my glass half full or half empty?
  19. Is mommy dead?
  20. What is the most asked question in the world of crap? The answer is in the brackets.

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