THE BEST QUIZ EVER! You will not regret it!

Do you like me I bet you do so please can you take this quiz and pink clouds surronde me to death and the item exchange rocks but I need the Fertility Wand.

hey you like cucumber cakes? me too I hope we can be friends because they are so many ways to love you and internet browsers rock and stuff so you can have

Created by: hottie_guy_guy_guy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Pick my nose for me, please.
  2. Do you like opo dopo?
  3. what's your IP address
  4. hi!
  5. call me! 98728989
  6. soooooo
  7. hey hey do u like bees
  8. c
  9. do u like me?
  10. WILL U BE MY BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND? (I'm a guy but I can be bi!)

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