take a test that are you stupid or smart

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Hello i am Daniel i love to do so many things soThe things i love to do are :Playing games for example gaming and Playing Minecraft and Playing Fortnite and more things

and the things that i hate are :Roblox and eating bitter melon and going near girls and playing with them and wasting my time in boring things and i hate reading books too

Created by: Danyal
  1. enter your gender
  2. 1+1=
  3. 5+5=
  4. 10x10
  5. 10x20 divided by 10
  6. 100-100
  7. -2+7-2=
  8. 100*100
  9. now this will not be easy 100*100-100+10*1=
  10. thats un imaginary difficult 1+1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128+256+512+1024+2048+4096=
  11. ok its science time what is the speed of light speed
  12. what is the highest speed.
  13. Can black holes gravity speed bend lightspeed
  14. There are how many country in the world
  15. What is the biggest continent in the world
  16. What is the tallest building iin the world
  17. What is the biggest planet in the solar system
  18. Which is the nearest planet to sun
  19. Is sun a planet
  20. Are there more solar systems
  21. Are there more Galaxys
  22. IN wich Galaxy are we living
  23. What is the most Dangerous planet
  24. what is the smallest planet
  25. russia is big as

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Quiz topic: Take a test that am I stupid or smart
