Somebody Special Part 18

Oh hey there! Long time no si! lol. So I cut this kind of short so I could put a little description of what my new series will be about! And read the results! I want you guys to COMMENT what you think willh happen next!

Taylor looks similar to Nick Santino,He has dimples, brown hair, he's tall and skinny, and he likes reading and drawing. Jerimiah is your best friend in the story. He has amazing skin, glasses that look adorable on him, and black flippy hair. He's hilarious and is an amazing singer. Dakota tends to wear his nerd glasses everywhere. He has brownish/black hair and has perfect teeth. Even if he doesn't look like it, he's really smart. & not to mention he's cute! Elijah is more of the athletic type. He has piercing blue eyes and brown hair, along with an irresistable charm. Jay is more of the musical type. He can play guitar and has black hair with some blonde highlights. He has dimples aswell and beautiful violet eyes.

Created by: dannicuhh :3
  1. Bentley lie there motionless on the ground with his grip still on the hilt of the sword. Then strange enough, he burst into dust; like how monsters did when they died. Valentine was crying once again, but this time she was in the arms of Elijah, whom knew what was happening since he remembered everything. "No lemonade then, huh?" Taylor asked, getting up and getting a dust pan and broom from the corner of the room. "I guess not, bro," Jerimiah replied, sweeping the ashes of Bentley's body in the pan, "but we need to find the clue. Fast. Before anyone else starts dying. It was a freaking bloody massacre here and we don't even know exactly where we are." I started tearing up, knowing that Bentley loved Valentine and that he was willing to sacrifice his own life for her happiness. Now THERE'S an example of a future husband. "We shouldn't stay another night here. When we were out on our shifts Bentley told me that the faster we find our clue the easiest they'll make it for us." Valentine said, clinging onto Elijah for dear life.
  2. "You know what I don't get though? Why they don't just do this themselves. I want answers. Hey, Director J? Yeah, I demand answers. Turn the t.v on right now. You owe us that much." Emma said to the sky. The t.v. turned on immediately and Director J was on the screen with a weary smile. "What?" He asked. "Why did Bentley just turn into ashes? What do you mean by the faster we find the clue the easier you'll make it for us? Where is, Gavin?!" I inquired with impatience. "Bentley was part monster. He naturally had monster blood in him so he turned to ashes like all monsters do. If you find the clue earlier then we'll make it easier by helping out more. You kids move so damn slow we think you don't deserve our help. We know people who will help you and help find the next clue. As for Gavin...we have some news about him that I was going to share tonight, but since Emma was so darling and summoned by here already, Gavin Rossdale is no ordinary human being. He is a morpher. A person that can take shape of any form it inherits. Gavin Rossdale was one of a very rare group of people that developed the power to morph into a human form. Any human form. He didn't realize it until some Fire Starters came to his house and tried to kill him. That's how his house burned down. We believe Gavin is close by. Very close by. Possibly watching you right now. In fact, he might even possibly be one of you. But I warn you children, you must be careful. I've had some experience with Andy Pearce. He plays with your mind like a genie and he has no conscious. He will rip you to pieces to get his hands on that gem and I swear by it. So please, keep your eyes open." With that, the screen flipped off.
  3. I sighed and slumped down on the couch. Death happened so often I wasn't even rattled by it anymore. Jeirmiah put the ashes into a jar and placed it by the window. Elijah put a shirt back on, the aroma of lemons still in the air. "Okay. So now what?" Emma asked. "I guess we all take a shower, get in some fresh clothes, and head out to look for the clue before it gets dark." I suggested. "I'll go first then. Not to be self-fish, but I think I need it more than you guys." Elijah said with a small smile. He headed off into the bathroom with one last kiss on Valentine's forehead. "You guys, I feel like this is a movie." Dakota said, bags forming under his eyes. "We need some time off." Jay said. "We can still go to Disney World." Valentine said, rubbing her hands together in anxiety. She looked as wrecked as Lindsey Lohan right now. "That sounds like fun, but I feel as if it's disrespectful towards Scarlett, Matt, and Bentley's deaths. Don't you think?" I said icily. "I guess." She replied. "I guess all we can do is-" "Wait." Taylor finished my sentence with a sigh. "Why the hell would a person be roaming around this jungle missing a wedding ring?" Emma asked. "I know, right. I would have guessed that the person's dead by now." Dakota replied. "Hmph, I want to go home." I mumbled under my breath so that nobody could hear me. "So Bentley was" Jay asked. "I guess so. Trixia and Jenna and Daniel probably were part monster too then if I had to take a guess at it. " Valentine said. "We need to start preparing." I said. "Why?" Jerimiah asked. "I mean, if the bird in the clue really is taking about the Thysops and what Bentley said about them was true then shouldn't we, I don't know, bring some weapons or something? He said they were vicious and that their hearing and sight were spot on and they have daggers under their wings or something." I told them.
  4. "Speaking of weapons..." I heard Elijah call out. I got to my feet and walked to where he was. He was standing in front of a door I've never seen before. It was slightly ajar. "How'd you find this?" Emma asked. "I saw this black dot on the wall and I thought it was a fly so I tried to kill it, but it seemed to be a button so i guess I found it on accident." Elijah explained with a little triumphant smile. Jay reached for the door knob and opened it. Inside, there was a surplus of weapons such as daggers, swords, grenades, axes, shields, bows and arrows, and harpoons. "Wow..." I heard someone say behind me. Of all the weapons though, my eyes focused on a shovel way in the back of the room. Not that a shovel was my weapon of choice or anything, but I saw a glint of white on the head of it. I fast walked over there and saw that my instincts were right. It was a message. I picked off the note and jogged it back over to the rest of the group and read it out loud. "Take this shovel into the ground, put the ring on where it was first found. But beware of the evil birds that await, the time will determine the cat and robot's fate."
  5. My face brightened up. Snuggles and Wall-E were alive! Maybe my dream was just a dream after all. "So we have to...dig?" Emma asked. "I guess so. Babe, can you get the shovel?" Valentine asked Elijah. Elijah complied and jogged to the back of the room. "What does it mean by Snuggles and Wall-E's fate though?" I asked quizzically. "uh...I think they mean this." Taylor said. I turned to his direction and saw him carrying a watch with a screen on it. On the watch was a timer of 60:00 that was slowly counting down each second that passed. On the screen was Snuggles and Wall-E on the ground and not moving. On a chair, bright and clear was a time bomb going counting down at the same time the watch was. Elijah came back with the shovel as Jerimiah said, "We have to find that clue in 1 hour or else Snuggles and Wall-E are dead." I nodded my head and then said, "then let's go."
  6. We huddled together outside, the guys outward of the circle while the girls were mostly on the inside. I wanted to lead the way, but Jerimiah held me back. "Where we do we start?" Taylor asked. "Go left." Emma said. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "Trust me." She replied with confidence in her voice. So then we went left. I would ask Taylor repeatedly what the time was, making sure we were making good timing. After about 37 minutes, Jay asked us to get down. I did, and looked around. Then I saw it. I first saw the tombstone stuck in the ground with the engraving, "R.I.P My lovely Prim. You are loved yesterday, tomorrow, forever." It was so sweet and sad, I just wanted to run to her grave and then just kneel there. I almost did too, until I saw what were perched among the trees surrounding the grave. "thysops." Jay mouthed. They were so...GRODY. Their skin was like the color of rotten apples and they had beady eyes black as coal. They were slightly hunched and just had the ugliest beak ever, long and pointed and...deadly. We all ducked behind a really big brush and tried to discuss our game plan as quietly as possible. "Okay, we have to be careful. We have to get them by the element of surprise. We'll take them down at the same time. Taylor and Emma, get behind one of them, Jerimiah and _____, get behind another one, Dakota and Jerimiah behind another one, and me and Valentine will be behind the last one. If you successfully kill one, then look to the others as reinforcements. Got it?" Elijah said. I was about to reply when I heard a snap from above us. I looked up and saw one Thysop was looking down at us probably listening in to our plan. Could they do that? "sheit." Dakota muttered. "What's the plan now?" Jay asked, preparing his gun. "Fire like crazy," Elijah said, "GO!" Then we attacked like the Power Rangers. I didn't even know what I was doing, but when a bird tried getting near me I would get scared and just started shooting off my bows and arrows. I managed to hit one in the wing and I felt bad because you know, they're still animals. One of the birds pecked my leg, but not too bad that I was on the ground crying my eyes out. I stepped on the head and then it turned into ashes. "GUYS, AIM FOR THE HEAD." I yelled over all of the commotion. I went to help Emma, who tripped over a vine on the ground. Once she was up I looked around and saw that all of the birds were dead. Well, the ones that were there. I heard a loud screech and assumed that more were coming. None of us were hurt, thank God, so we started desperately shoveling the dirt of the grave which I thought was disrespectful and totally just a sin, but if the ring belongs to her, then I guess we were doing her a favor. "5 MINUTES!" Taylor shouted. The shovel hit something solid and we uncovered all of the dirt to reveal a corpse. A nice one, I might add.
  7. I put the ring on her ring finger as the wild pack of thysops started flying in. I prayed that putting the ring on her finger would save us from what looks liked 100 Thysops. And thankfully, it did. We all evaporated and landed in a cell. A room of all gray and no windows or door. But there lay Snuggles and Wall-E, the bomb stopped, and them regaining consciousness. I looked around and saw that Emma and Taylor weren't there in the room. I started panicking just as Snuggles and Wall-E got to their feet. "Where's Emma and Taylor?!" I asked the group. "you guys shouldn't have come!" Snuggles exclaimed and changing into a tiger form. "What's happening?" Valentine asked, cuddling with Snuggles and hugging Wall-E. "It's a trap! All of this was a trap!" Wall-E said angrily.
  8. Suddenly, a door appeared and out came the man in the clown mask. I was about to start coming at him when I ran into this sort of invisible force field that prevented me from ripping his head off. Jerimiah held me back and he removed his clown mask. I did not know this man at all. He had balding brown hair and he looked young, but old. His face was chiseled and he looked like a mad man. "Please let me introduce myself, I am Gavin Rossdale. Pleased to meet you." Snuggles roared which startled me. I've never really seen Snuggles so intense before. "Let us go!" Valentine cried out. "That's kind of rude, isn't it? I let you into my home and you want to leave immediately? I don't think so." "How did you transport us here?!" I asked, "We were supposed to go to our next destination!" Gavin smiled. "My little assistants switched hand bones of that poor little corpse so when you put that ring on the wrong finger, it triggered my evaporation system which brought you here. Impressed yet?" I was angry. "What did you do to Emma and Taylor?!" I screamed. Gavin gave off a smug look. "Let me introduce my assistants. Or let me say, my beloved son and daughter." Soon, Taylor and Emma joined Gavin by his side. My mouth literally dropped in shock. "How could you do this?" Jay asked them. Gavin continued smiling, but I felt weird. I wasn't mad at Taylor or Emma because I saw them the same way I always had. That's when I noticed the little nod of Taylor's head. And then Emma widened her eyes in fear. What was going on?
  9. Hey guys! Um, so part 18 was intended to end there, but since there's 2 more questions left, I'm going to tell you about my next series which is called....
  10. Beautiful Secrets! Okay so the story is written in first person because it's easier and so when you read it, it feels like it's in your perspective, you know? So I'm bringing the UPA back! If you've read my first series then you should know that the UPA stands for the United Paranormal Association, something in which your parents are in. You guys moved to California to get closer to the agency's headquarters and when your parents are out on a business trip you're left with your Auntie Lisa and a new room mate. But when your parents are captured from an evil demonic entity, it's your job to rescue them with a couple of...'friends.' ;D

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