So you think you know taking back sunday?

Do YOU know taking back sunday? Or do you just THINK you know them? Whatever the case is, this test will most likely show you the truth. Good luck with it, and do your best!

Is taking back sunday your favorite band? Do you watch interview after interview for just some hint of new news? Have you searched taking back sunday on google countless times to only find interviews youve already read? Then take this quiz to be appreciated for the wonderful fans you truly are.

Created by: christina

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Where is the band based out of?
  2. What are two of adams favorite bands?
  3. where did matt live (up until recently)with his mom?
  4. What is one of Eddies favorite TV channel?
  5. What is Fred's side project called?
  6. What recently happened to Mark, which caused him to leave the tour?
  7. Who sings, plays bass, plays drums, plays guitar/sings, and just plays guitar? (respectively)
  8. What annoys adam?
  9. Where did the name REALLY come from?
  10. Who have they not toured with?
  11. What is adam allergic to?
  12. What are adam, matt, fred and mark's middle names? (respectively)
  13. What are the order of the albums?
  14. Who is a vegan in the band?
  15. What are fred's shoes called? And what brand are they through?
  16. What is adam's little brothers name?
  17. What are the names of freds kids?
  18. What movie made a band member cry, and which band member was it?
  19. What did adam and eddie do together before the band took off?
  20. What colors has adams hair been while he was in the band?

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