Shoutout quiz to my homies

Well this is basically just a shoutout to the people on GTQ that I may or may not have interacted with. But, I hope to do so soon, then again, I am very... shy?? Or just anti social, idk.

Awww yeeah. Take this quiz to find out if you got a shoutout! Chances are that you did, because I put a bunch of people in to this, well, a good amount.

Created by: XShidoKusubanaX

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  1. First shoutout to Heph! You've been my irl friend for what? 3 years now? You are awesome and hilarious. I love being sarcastic with you and i'll be sad when you graduate next year.
  2. Next one goes to Rain. You always call me senpai?? That makes me both happy and confused! You are kind, intelligent, talented, and I hope life gets better for you because you sure as hell deserve it!
  3. Next one goes to Rain. You always call me senpai?? That makes me both happy and confused! You are kind, intelligent, talented, and I hope life gets better for you because you sure as hell deserve it!
  4. Dark(insert numbers here). You are really kind??? Like, really nice. You are amazing, talented as well, and you and sugarcube are a cute couple. I wish you the best of luck!
  5. Sugarcube. You're nice as well, and wow, pretty too. You and dark are really cute together and I wish you the best of luck too!
  6. Carma. Sometime you straight up make my day and I thank you for that. Your nice and pretty easy to get a long with. You have much swag, such cool, wow
  7. Anri, I don't know you very well. But you seem really cool, and thank you for being very good friends with my derp Heph, and I hope you have a great life
  8. Gracious, you aren;t as annoying as everyone says or think you are. You seem pretty cool to me uvu Not to mention pretty dang nice
  9. DonotDisturb. You are pretty damn cool, and have a nice and chill attitude. I have respect for people that are kind and religious, and stands up for their religion as well
  10. Omega_Wolf. You have a nice peppy attitude and seem like you get along with people very well. I think thats pretty legit
  11. Vegekaka. Dan gurl you are talented and make sexy anime boys. I liike that. Not to mention all around epic!
  12. The coldest sun. You take s--- from no one and I love that. Sorry If I may have came off as extremely insensitive. I just hope were coolio in the future.
  13. Selena, another talented person! I love that style you do on the shading of your art it looks so cool! I'm happy you Heph are getting a long very well you must touch the butt
  14. Moyashi, you are very intelligent and have the voice of reason. I respect you a lot. Btw that dress is really cute
  15. Some more shoutouts to Mcqueen, meep, danny, Icee, and geek1 I'm too tired to type out the rest of this but you are really frickin cool.

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