SHAPES:the test!

my last test that ill ever make is 7 quizzes away...get lots of practice for it (my last test ill make is the "Test" so be ready) so try this quiz and rate it!

will YOU make 100% in "the test"? if you think you can get lots and lots of practice! (and try my fun personality quizzes! and rate them high please!)

Created by: ting

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what is perimeter?
  2. a pop can...
  3. a part of a line that has 2 end points...
  4. a 3D square...
  5. a triangle with at least 2 sides the same length
  6. x x a plus x
  7. intersect...
  8. a food thats a cylinder
  9. if you cut a square in half you get...
  10. a head...
  11. in march there is...

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