Random quiz to make my levels higher

UEFWGiyregfirehiucyr by2v4rcuowieduiuewhdiuwfuygeyugeiwofgoiwegfoiwgefiogwoifgwiorfi hewfiuhrfrwgfueyrfiuwey iu iwyeiuyweiuf weiufyiuwehf eywhfiuwehfihwefuih

iehwfi gcyrfiweuyri we fiyeiufyeiu heirhiuerfiu erfiygerifyweiur weqgriyewhriu c4yriu iyriuyew urfyh fbrhfi ywriuyweiuryedkeh wriuwyeriu fviuwrfih weiufh kehfi

  1. Boo
  2. Rawr XD
  3. This isn't good quality at all
  4. Lucky guess
  5. Lucky guess 2
  6. Nice to meet you
  7. Do you ever think about the fact that you only have so much time on this planet, and after that point nothing you said or did will matter unless it affected a great amount of people?
  8. I'm bored, and I want a pfp
  9. :3
  10. Bye bye now

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