random quiz about nothing

Have fun with this one. It is many random questions that you may learn from! I put much thought into making the quiz enjoy. Have a good day. look for more fun quizes on the way.

I'm glad you are taking my quiz. It was fun to make and hope it's fun to take. I'll probably make more in the future so keep looking. have a good day.

Created by: jordan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. can you burp as loud as an elephant
  2. can a hawk fly 200 miles per hour
  3. how fast does a three toed sloth travel
  4. can you play ultimate frisbee
  5. what kind of pet do you have
  6. can a bird eat a moose
  7. which lizard can swim
  8. whats my age
  9. did you get everything wrong
  10. can you eat leaves

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