Quiz related to different aspects of field.

There are many smart people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional.Genius is not only quantitative in the sense that it represents more intelligence or talent than that possessed by ordinary people, even highly gifted people

"Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to qualify for that prestigious title? You think you are intelligent, it maybe. so try to generate your intelligency here by giving answers to my questions.

Created by: Avinash Thakur
  1. Name the worlds largest accelerator?
  2. Who gifted Sachin Tendulkar the Farrari car?
  3. Name the Indias first Neuclear reactor?
  4. Name the first person of India to recieve the title Miss World Tourism?
  5. Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet?
  6. Who is anil kumble's 400 wicket?
  7. Which one of the following began with the Dandi March?
  8. Why Indian kings were called the kings of wisdom?
  9. Which is the most abundant element in the earths crust ?
  10. Who is the Present Chief Election Commissioner?

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