angelic4's Profile


Joined on Oct 14, 2011
Status Level: Senior

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angelic4's Recent Posts

  • Hiya :)
  • Skip Beat
    "Surprisingly I adore it! it's really funny xD"
  • Accel World?
    "I love this anime"
  • "Megan "
  • "Our society is messed up most people are going to use you. I think you need to find the balance between money and love. It's almost "
  • "In like preschool if you had candy you were everyon e's bestfriend until the next person whose daddy owned a candy store and gave out free c..."
  • "@Appa true. I really want to make this debate fun at school"
  • "Haha I disagree :) We need love .There's a research that of was done, two groups of babies in a hospital, the first group received love, h..."
  • "But dont you still go back to find someone to love even with money. Humans crave attention. People can have money but they'll be lonely. No ..."
  • "@Ilk Yeah i was planning on using God for this Debate."
  • "Teens aren't looking for love more like they are looking for someone to make them feel something. This is a hard topic but it's actually get..."
  • "Some parents abuse their kids and abandon them. I guess i could use friendship money might bring people but at the end of the day there isn'..."
  • "@Chill isn't that more lust than love @TG i can barely remember the last time I was here everything is different. I still talk to som"
  • "Hey Ilovekittens i agree but the AFF side might argue about people divorcing and breakups is you say love will get you happiness"
  • "Hey TG it's been awhile. Have you ever been inlove?"

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