Pottermore Sorting Hat

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This is a Pottermore Sorting Hat quiz! This is my third quiz and I made this during my free time so it might not be the most accurate. I recommend this for anyone who wishes to find out which Hogwarts House best matches their personality.

Please answer as truthfully as possible so we can match you up with what best fits you. You wouldn't want to get put in the wrong house! Again, this isn't the most accurate, but I tried my best to make it as precise as possible. Also, pls no salty comments. Enjoy! 😊

Created by: Mizuki
  1. Which would you want to be?
  2. Would you ever cheat on a test?
  3. Which of these are you most scared of?
  4. A troll has attacked the school! Who do you save first?
  5. What is life all about to you?
  6. Which of these is your motto?
  7. Which would you most want your best friend to be?
  8. Black or White?(As in, which color do you prefer?)
  9. Choose a path:
  10. One of your friends has cheated on the final exam and became top of the class in Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall is suspicious about what happened, as that student doesn't usually do well in her class. She asks you if you know that that student cheated. What do you say?
  11. What type of art most pleases you?
  12. You are in an enchanted garden. What are you most curious to examine?
  13. Which would you be most upset to hear people say about you?
  14. Which is the worst "sin" to commit, in your view?
  15. What would you want to be known as in history?
  16. Where can you be found during your free time?
  17. What type of music do you prefer?
  18. Hagrid asks if you two can be friends, what would you do?
  19. How do you deal with anger?
  20. You are given a magic box and told not to look inside. What would you do?

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