Never Forgotten Part 15

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Sorry it took so long to get out, but it's finally here! And have you all started that project I mentioned last time? :P I hope so! I need someone to obsess over it with me! XD

Well, you left off when the kings pointed out that your tattoos were not ordinary, at all...!

Created by: CountryBayRythm
  1. The four of the boys got out of the water and walked me over to a chair. The girls all huddled around us, Ulanti ran for Epron and Wequest, and Trace came closer, but still distant. Christian stood behind protectively, as if there was any danger, Leo was crouched at my side and had somehow snatched my hand, Oliver sat with his legs crossed on my other side with one of his hands real close to my leg, and Reed stood in front of me his wings spread, I assumed that it was to dry them. The whole sight of these four men you'd see in story books surrounding me, of all people, was baffling and quite a sight. Reed crossed his arms and started to speak, "Before we ask you to tell us, I think we should shed some light on our amazement. These tattoos of our elements were not by choice, they were how we were chosen to rule. The tattoos sit above the place that gives life, for men it's above our hearts on our chest because it supports our life, for women its on their stomach because that's the general area of where you create life. When I was a child, I was very, rebellious. I was flying in air space that wasn't allowed for one of my age. However, I was a strong flyer and decided to test out the high speed winds anyways. This was the moment that our queen had passed away from old age. I passed out. I had a dream where a woman of air itself was before me. Legend has it that this woman takes the form of our true love, whether we know her yet or not. Well, she told me of how she had just aided my queen into the next life. What the next life is, I do not know. She then explained that she was air, and I was to protect her. I knew what she meant for all of us in the air kingdom was prepared for her if she ever appeared in a dream. Then, she gently touched my chest and became this tattoo that you see now. I woke and found that I was suspended in a whirlwind of air. Royal guards were stationed around me, but could not reach me. I waved my hand and the whirlwind vanished, from that moment on I became King." Reed looked at me with a different look when he finished, as if he had just realized something. He folded his wings and looked to Oliver. Oliver then took it from there. "I was studying in a young realm. At that time I had just reached adulthood and was eager to learn more. Studying the new plant life in this realm was a great place to start. I was having lunch with some colleagues when disturbing news came. Our King had experienced an unfortunate accident and had bled to death. After I learned this, I was frozen in place. I was having a vision. Before me was a woman of dirt and plant alike. We have the same legend as Reed, and she was beautiful. I started with a million questions but she calmed me to silence. With this she told me how she had just helped my king to death's home. Then she explained that she was earth itself. But before I could ask a single question, she placed her palm on my heart and became the tattoo you see now. I woke to find myself in a cocoon of vines and rock. I cleared it and became the Earth Kingdom's next King." He finished with a small twinkle in his eye. He looked at Leo, which took it from there. "I was actually in your realm when it happened to me. I am actually relatively new to this position as I was watching the second world war. I was an adult. I was appalled by your realm and was in fact preparing to leave with a Guardian, Ulanti in fact. I was walking to her when in mid stride I fell to the floor and into a dream. There a woman entirely of flames stopped my fall, and the same legend exists with us. She told me that our queen had just died in battle against a threat in another realm. She told me of how she was fire itself, and told me that I was in urgent need. Then, she leaned over and kissed my chest and burst into the tattoo I have now. I woke to find myself in a ball of flame. I cleared it and set my path for the war, for I was then the new King." He wouldn't look at me when he told me this, but his grip tightened. He glanced at Christian and he began. "I was a teenager when it happened to me. I was asleep when my father passed away from a heart attack. Yes, we have them too even though it may be rare for us. I slipped into a dream where I saw a woman of only water. And it seems if we all have the same legend. She told me of how my father had just passed and consoled me as I, grieved. I asked why she had not chosen my sister, and she told me it was because she saw the best within me. She had no need to tell me what she was, I knew. After that she shed a tear that landed above my heart, and became my tattoo. I woke to find myself in a current of water, being taken to my mother. I was then the next King." He finished and placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked down at my tattoos and finally grasped the full meaning of what they were. I was a queen, not of one element, but of four.
  2. I told them about my dream and how I had it while in the Fire Realm. When I finished they each looked like they were deep in though. "Why were they all me?" I asked. "We are going to need to think about this before we can answer questions unfortunately. This is a big first." Oliver replied. Olive and Leo both stood. "Can I have some space guys?" I asked. Everyone nodded and went to go find the Guardians and fill them in. Reed strayed behind everyone else and walked over to me, he sat at my side. "What happened to space?" I asked him playfully. He nervously laughed and looked down at his hands. He then took my face in his hands and gently pushed his lips to mine. Sparks flew again and my eyes closed, welcoming the warmth and security of his touch and kiss. He broke off and looked into my eyes. He searched me, but seemed utterly thrilled that I kissed back. "The woman in my dream, well, she was you. I didn't think of it until now. But now it makes total sense. ________, I love you. With all of my heart, I love you." I smiled and kissed him, it was short, but held the same effect on my heart. He stood and left, giving me my space. I looked over at the empty pool. It seemed empty without the water fights. I walked over and dived in. The rush of cool water flowed over my body and I let it numb me of all thoughts. I floated on the surface, and closed my eyes, letting my mind drift back to the memory of my dream. A blood curdling scream filled my ears as clear as day even though they were under water. I burst up and gasped. For a minute I was disoriented and couldn't swim, but when I finally gathered my wits once again, I swam as hard as I could to the side. I grabbed a towel, and quickly dried off. I didn't bother covering myself back up, my eyes merely found the hallway out and shot for it. I ran through the hallway and quickly got lost. I yelled for help and stood with my back against the wall. Shaking.
  3. Leo appeared pretty quick. His eyes were filled with concern the moment he saw me. "What's the matter _______?" He said pretty urgently. He took me into his strong arms and the warmth from his body calmed me down. "What was that scream?" "What scream?" "There was a scream...." "No... there wasn't...." We stood there looking confused at each other for a minute. "Come to my room, I'll get you something to wear and you can explain to me what the problem is." He told me. I nodded my head, kind of dazed. He took my hand and lead me through the hallways until I knew again where I was. We soon reached his room. When inside the darkness and candle light was soothing, and Leo sat me down on his bed. He disappeared for a moment into a black corner, and reappeared with a white robe. It was a bit big for me, but I welcomed the soft touch of it. He then sat next to me and took my hand again. "What happened." "I was in the pool, just, floating. Out of the blue I heard this scream, a terrible scream. I just got out of the pool and ran to find someone, but I keep getting lost in this place." "Hmmm, we should talk to everybody about this. Given your new abilities, this might actually be something pretty important." He said this with serious concern in his voice and he traced my jawline. This sent a shiver down my back. He saw that and smiled. He then took my palm and pressed it to his lips, setting of fireworks in my stomach. He then stood and helped me up like a gentleman. I stumbled a bit and fell into him. "You can't seem to get enough of me." He said playfully. I smiled nervously and tried to back up, but his arms didn't budge around me. "Oh _____." He groaned. Before I knew it, his lips were pressed passionately against mine. I melted into his body and moved as he moved, my hands entangled in the shirt he had on. After a minute, he pulled away, lust filled his eyes. "I would like nothing more than to keep you hostage, but that scream is important. You should dress and shower, I'll gather everyone." He said this with obvious reluctance, and it took a moment for him to release his grip on me. He put his hand on my opposite waist and walked me to my room. When we got there I was pretty ready to get out of my wet suit. I turned to say goodbye but only to find that his face was only inches from me. "You need help with that shower?" He asked, his voice entwined with desire. My best defense was laughing off. He knew the answer before I could say it though, and his lips pressed against mine for a split second. When I opened my eyes, he had vanished. I closed the door and groaned, collapsing to the floor. I sat there a minute thinking about how the day had passed. I never seem to have an easy day.
  4. I took a long hot shower and then dressed in...
  5. I put my hand on the door handle, ready to go out, and at that moment, the same scream sounded in my ears. I gritted my teeth and decided something. There were 13 creatures out there ready to voice their opinions, something had to happen now, not when everyone agreed on something. I knew that something needed to happen. I cracked the door open to peek out, when I saw no one I silently left my room. I walked to the waterfall as quickly as I could with as little noise as I could. When I emerged I saw that the sun was setting. I looked around and saw no one, so I closed my eyes, and walked. I didn't know where I was going, I just knew that my feet would take me to the right place. I stopped when I felt water with the edge of my toes. I opened my eyes and found myself where I had met the mermaid. I looked around and heard the scream again, only, this time, it had a source. That beautiful mermaid I had first seen was lying on the river bank, and her tail was torn beyond repair. A tear escaped my eyes as I watched her blood turn the river red. I rushed to her and tried to console her, but it did not work. She took my face in her hands and held back her sobs. "She's sear... sea... searching for the stone.... the stone in your home realm. I w-w-was too late. F-find it first...." She gasped. Her grip relaxed and the light in her eye vanished. 'I-I... I just saw a mermaid die....' My tears flowed from my face, I did not know her, but she was the first death I witnessed. Not to mention that she was such a pure creature.
  6. Behind me I heard a twig snap. I got up so fast and turned so quick that I nearly fell into the river. But, two strong hands steadied me. Leo stood there with a hard expression. The tears began to stream from my eyes again, and his face instantly softened. He pulled me in and comforted me. "Don't you ever do that to me again." He said desperately. I looked up at him and he tenderly swept the tears from my face. We walked back with his hand in mine. When we got back inside, there was the whole troop, waiting for my return. I told them what had happened and then silence. Epron followed by saying, "Well, to your home realm it is." He then gave me a reassuring nudge, and all others filed out but Leo and Wequest. "I will sleep with you three girls tonight, I feel it necessary and it would ease my nerves a great deal." He told me, then he touched my nose with his and strode away. I turned to Leo. "Yes?" "I... I just hate leaving your side." I smiled at him, then a memory sparked in my brain. "Remember that girl I said talked to me when I spoke with the dead?" "Yes...?" He replied cautiously. "She said to ask you about her. She said I should know...." He sighed and he closed his eyes. I watched him clench his fists so hard the knuckles turned white.
  7. He opened his eyes and put his hand on my opposite shoulder, and started to walk me to my room. "That story is for another time." He said without emotion. But when I looked at him, he remained tense. When we reached my room he said a stiff goodbye and left. I stood there confused for a minute, but then continued into my room. Wequest, Faye, and Ulanti were all waiting for me. I smiled at them and went into the bathroom to change into pj's. When I emerged they were talking about some of their favorite foods. I joined in pretty quick and we enjoyed each others company for a while until finally we were ready to fall into slumber. When I woke up, Faye already was up and the two Guardians were no where to be found. Faye told me she was going to get breakfast and let me get ready. I took a short bubble bath and got dressed in....
  8. A knock on the door echoed in my room. When I went to answer it, it was....
  9. CLIFFHANGER! (Not my best... I know :P)
  10. Who do you wish is behind that door?
  11. Please comment and rate!

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