Naruto test - How well do you know the Naruto show?

Naruto is an anime and manga series. It's a little show about some ninja, and don't forget about Lord Orochimaru. If they take him down, then there should be peace between the Leaf and Sound villages. There are two other villages, though - Sand, and Mist, who all died out some time ago.

Are you ready to take this test on the Naruto world? Do you know enough to be Hokage? If you want to find out, just take this test on the Japanese anime!

Created by: naruto_show_test
  1. What is Kiba's pet?
  2. How is the guy with Expansion Jutsu and Human Boulder's name spelled?
  3. Who did Neji fight when there was the "Sasuke Retrieval Squad"?
  4. Kakashi is _________ in Japanese?
  5. If Kakashi is scarecrow, then what is Hinata?
  6. When Mizuki drank the potion thingy, what was his final form before he lost his strength?
  7. What village is Naruto from?
  8. How about Temari?
  9. What do Sasuke, Kakashi and Itachi have in common, other than they are all Leaf ninja?
  10. What does Itachi mean?
  11. Now for the final question. You must know a little about Pokemon for this... Naruto has learned a jutsu called Rasengan. Which of the Pokemon Lucario's moves is most similar to Rasengan?

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Quiz topic: Naruto test - How well do I know the Naruto show?