Name the Coldplay song.

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Coldplay is an alternative rock band with many great hits and singles. Some popular-common songs are: The Scientist, Fix You, Paradise, Yellow, Clocks, and Viva La Vida.

I recommend you take this quiz if you believe you're a true Coldplay fan. If you don't do so well the first time, try again! The worst you can do is fail, but if you do, just listen to Coldplay and you'll realize the pure joy and amazement of the band.

Created by: Mike
  1. "Where to, where do I go? If you never try, then you'll never know."
  2. "You and me are drifting into outer space..."
  3. "Your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones..."
  4. "My heart is yours. It's you that I hold onto..."
  5. "Every road is a ray of light..."
  6. "All you ever wanted was love, but you never looked hard enough..."
  7. " But on and on,from the moment I wake, 'til the moment I sleep..."
  8. "They spun a web for me."
  9. "Cuz yeah, everybody here's got somebody to lean on..."
  10. "Your guess is as good as mine..."

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