My Quiz for my friends to take took, or are taking, my quiz. Well you have, or will have, a good time with this quiz. Let me tell you why. My quiz will, or already has, showed, or going to show you, that I really want you people to know me well. So you should try hard to get a good score.

Why, you ask, do I stress you take, or took, this quiz? I worked har to make sure that all my friends know me well enough, or if when I talk, they don't listen. So please please please try your hardest. Use process of elimination, and think about it carefully. Good luck.

Created by: Jess
  1. what would be my favorite meal?
  2. What are some true facts about me?
  3. What's most likely my favorite out of these?
  4. What is mt favorite electronic?
  5. Which on eof these would I never wear?
  6. What do I wanna be when I grow up?
  7. Who are my FAV singers?
  8. What club am I in?
  9. Mhhhmmm....I talk about my FAV animal all the time...but do you listen? What is it?
  10. What's my FAV movie?

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