Moonlight Wolf pt2

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Aeldis is me :) Hope you enjoy!!! Aeldis is me :) Hope you enjoy!!! Aeldis is me :) Hope you enjoy!!! Aeldis is me :) Hope you enjoy!!! Aeldis is me :)

Random facts TIME: The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees. "Goodbye" came from "God bye" which came from "God be with you" Minus 40 degrees Celsius is exactly the same as minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

Created by: Moonblade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. 'To be honest _____ i have no idea'thinks Brad. 'Well is there any way we can signal to the others?'you ask. ~With the others~ "Hey, has anyone seen _____?"asks Tirnel. "Shes in the basement"says Sam. "Well shouldn't she be back by now!"says Tirnel. "Good point"says Paprika entering the room. "Come on lets go find her"says Jon. They walk down the stairs to the basement. "Hey, that door is open"says Jon climbing over rubbish and toys.As the boys enter the room, you see then close to the mirror 'NO GET OUT OF HERE!'you scream in your head'I have an idea' You walk up to the mirror and blow on it. With the boys the mirror fogs up "Ok who was that?"says Sam. You right backwards saying "Me Brad trapped in mirror SOS" "WHOA!"they all say. Tirnel blows on the mirror and you and Brad see it fog up. Tirnel rights "Ok we will try to get you two out" You shout "Be quick!"
  2. "Ok"says Sam"How do we get them out" "We smash the glass?"asks Jon"It usally works" "That might not work, if we smash the glass they could be lost forever"says Paprika. "Might as well try"says Jon. And before Sam can stop him, Jon gets a pipe from the floor and smashes the mirror into millions of peices.~You and Brad~ The mirror smashed, our human bodies fall to the ground, and we are transported back to our world, but not as we should be.~With the boys and Paprika~ A strange lights come out of the shattered mirror peices, one light is a light blue, the other is a light pink light. The blue light lands first. Its a wolf "What are you lot staring at?!"asks Brad. Jon points at him "Bro, your a wolf!"he says. "WHAT!?"shouts Brad in a gruff voice. "Yeah...."says Jon still shocked"Can you turn back" Brad tried to turn back but it doesn't work. "Um guys"says Paprika"What about _____" Every looks at the pink light buzzing around the room. Your spirit light keeps buzzing around until it finds a mortal body to go into, you can't find one. "Help me"you voice echos. "_____ were are you?"asks Tirnel. "I don't know, Limbo i think"you voice echos agian They chuckle "So how do we get you out?"asks Paprika. "I don't know"you echo.
  3. "Perhaps we could find a temporary body for you to inhabit"says Tirnel. "No thanks, i don't what to inhabit a dead OR alive body"you echo. "Oh... ok"says Sam. "What about we keep your essence in a jar?"asks Tirnel. "Im claustrophobic!"you echo"...... Fine, first lets go upstairs" "Ok"says Brad. Everyone walks, you fly, upstairs. EVeryone gets to the kitchen and Tirnel find a suitable Jar. "Fly in!"laughs Tirnel. You Fly in and Tirnel puts the lid on. "Roomy"you echo sarcaticly. "What do we do, we can't just leave _____ as pink Smoke"says Paprika. "Pap has got a point"says Jon"We can't just leave her as she is" Everyone looks at Jon like he has a large bogie on his face "What?!"he says. "Nothing"everyone says. "Tirnel, do you know anyone able to help us?"asks Sam. Tirnel thinks "Anyone?"asks Brad. "YES!"Tirnel says loudly"There is a shaman, by the name of Lagorben. He specialises in Spiritual magic. He can help us" "Where does he live?"asks Sam. "He lives in the Forest of Amaron Cevenor. In the relm of Faerthurin"says Tirnel. "Well its sorted then, we are going to Amaron Cevenor!"cheers Brad and you.
  4. Sam straps your Jar to Brad. "Where is Pap?"asks Jon. "I'M COMING!"shouts Paprika rushing out of the house""I throught I'd stock up on animal blood" "Ew!"you echo. "Unless you want me to eat Brad!"she smiles. "Ok!"you echo. "Ready?"asks Tirnel. Everyone nod and Tirnel chants. Rainbow light surrounds you all and everyone disapears.
  5. ......... "OW F--!"shouts Jon landing hard on a rock"Jeese Tirnel, you couldn't make the landing softer?" "Sorry!"says Tirnel. EVeryone stands up "How far?"asks Brad. "Over the lake"says Tirnel. Everyone stand by the edge of the lake. Tirnel whisles and a boat comes sailing out of the thik fog. "All board!"shouts Tirnel. They climb on the boat and Brad pushes the boat off and it follows the waters flow. As you get into the dense fog you can hear something "Whats that noise?"you ask. "It's the wind. It's speaking to us"says Tirnel. "What's it saying?"asks Sam. "I don't know. I don't speak wind"says Tirnel. Brad laughs. "BRAD IM STILL UP HERE!"you shout. "Sorry"says Brad.
  6. The boat gets to the end of the lake. Brad steps out of the boat first, then Tirnel, Sam, Jon and last Paprika. In the sky 2 moons are visable along with some stars. "Whoa!"says Paprika looking up"I'd love to live here" Ahead is a long pathway with overgrown vegitation, the cobbles pathway shines in the sunlight. "Follow me"says Tirnel. Tirnel gets out a sword and cuts the vegitation away so you don't get your heads cut off. "Stay close"he says. You get halfway down the path, when Brad falls and the Jar breaks...
  7. "Sina n'alaquel e' ta firimar quenat"says someone"Sina draug e'a ho sanya quenat" Your sprirt turns back into its original body and Brad turns back into his human form. "Whoa, that felt wierd!"you say patting yourself down. "Lagorben!"says Tirnel happily"Good to see you agian!" Lagorben is a middle aged Elf, with Grey eyes, long blond hair, green tunic, black leggings and brown boots. He is carrying a brown bag with berries in it and has a bow and arrows on his back. "Good to see you too"says Lagorben"Who are your friends?" "This is _____, Jon, Brad, Sam and Paprika"says Tirnel. "Well nice to meet you all"says Lagorben. He shakes your hands "Well Aeldis will be happy to see you agian"says Lagorben. Everyone gets out of the pathway and you see a cottage. The cottage has cream coloured bricks, Ivy climbing up the sides. A red door and large white-framed windows. The roof is brown with a chimney blowing smoke. Another middle aged Elf is in the garden planting flowers and trees. The Elf looks up, she is wearing a long purple asymmetrical dress, shell earings, a sliver and gold necklace and brown boots. She has long, curly, brown hair, grey eyes, salmon lips and naturaly rosy checks. "Lagorben your back"says the Elf"Tirnel, its great to see you agian" "Hi Aeldis"says Tirnel"These are my friends, _____, Brad, Sam, Jon and Paprika" "Nice to meet you!"says Aeldis"Come in, come in!"
  8. You enter the cottage. The living room has flowers painted on the light green walls, the floor is wooden, the couches are cream coloured and has sliver blankets on them. The table in the middle of the room has white lilys and red roses in a glass vase, it also has golden tea cups that are half-full. The large fireplace has a fire going and is crackling away. There is a wooden staircase leading upto the second floor and 2 door leading to the kitchen and the downstairs bathroom. "Wow, nice place!"says Paprika. "Thanks, its our dream home"says Aeldis taking her boots off. She then takes the tea cups and takes them to the kitchen. "Sit down"says Lagorben. Everyone sits down on the couches. "This place is realy nice"you say to Lagorben. "Thank you _____"he says. Aeldis returns and sits next to Lagorben. "SO what takes you here?"asks Lagorben. "Well _____ and Brad were trapped in a mirror and when we freed them, Brad stayed in is wolf form and _____ was her spirit, we came to help them get back to normal"says Tirnel"And you help them get back to normal"says Tirnel"And you done that when Brad tripped and shatterd the Jar we kept _____ in" "Sounds like you guys had fun"says Aeldis"You can stay here as long as you like, we have enough rooms" "Thanks Aeldis"says Sam. She smiles.
  9. To be continued....
  10. MAGIC

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