Moonlight Wolf pt1

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Another story of mine, hope you enjoy :) Another story of mine, hope you enjoy :) Another story of mine, hope you enjoy :) Another story of mine, hope you enjoy :)

Have fun reading :) Have fun reading :) Have fun reading :) Have fun reading :) Have fun reading :) Have fun reading :) Have fun reading :) Have fun reading :)

Created by: Moonblade

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The moon is shining bright and its not too windy, you are walking home from your friend house. "Wow, the moon looks ao peaceful tonight"you say to yourself. You are about to walk past a bush when you see it move. You walk up to it "There is nothing here"you say. The wind gets faster and you fall into the bush but you dont hit your head you just keep falling.
  2. Before you fell you you last saw the moon. As you fall you see many dimensions pass you, you cant scream. Suddenly a there is a white flash and your life is being projected on the walls as you fall. From when you were born to now your life is repeating over and over. You land with a bump. You rub you head "Where am i?"...
  3. "Look over there. There she is"says a voice. You look behind and see 5 people running at you. As they get closer and closer you run. You run a mile and trip over a fallen log. The 5 people run over to you and turn you over. "God, you ok?"the girl asks. You say nothing. "Come on, lets get her to the house"says one of the boys. 2 boys pick you up and take you to a big house surrounded a lake and green trees. They take you inside, you see a grand staircase spliting into 2. The take you to a room with a perfect view of the lake. They put you down on the bed "Does she talk?"asks the girl. "I dunno, _____ can you talk"says another boy. Your eyes get wide as they he says your name "How do you know my name?!"you ask sitting up. "IT SPEAKS"says another boy.
  4. "How rude of me....Im Brad" He has black, scruffy hair and ice blue eyes with glasses. "Jon"He has scruffy, dirty blond hair and green eyes. "Im Paprika"She has long, straight red hair and purple eyes. "Hi.....Im Sam"He has midnight blue hair and copper eyes. "Im Tirnel"He has golden, short hair and grey eyes. "Hey um Tirnel, right,yeah you do know you have pointy ears"you say.
  5. They chuckle "Of course _____ im an Elf"he laughs. Your face is as wide as tunnel. "So, why do you want me?"you ask. Jon scoffs and walks away "Sorry about my brother Jon, he a bit....well he doesnt like new people"says Brad. You watch Jon leave the room. "Well"says Paprika"We'll let you rest and give you the grand tour tomorrow" She rounds up the boys in the room and pushes them out of the room, she closes the door.
  6. At midnight you wake up because you cant sleep. You go out of the room and walk down the silent hallway. You walk past Jon's room and you hear something. You put your ear to his door and hear sobbing. You slowly put your hand on the doorhandle and open the door. "Jon...."you say as you open the door. He looks at you, you see his eyes red and sore. "G-go away"he says. You shake your head and walk in "Jon you ok?"you ask him worried. You sit next to him. "Jon you tell your friend"you say softly as you put your arm around him "Come on Jon...whats the matter?"you ask again. He shruggs off your arm and sits on the window. "_____ what im about to tell you PROMISE not to tell the others!"he says. You nod "Go on!"...."Today is the anniversary of the death of my girlfriend....and i was the one who killed her"he says. You look horrified and edge to the door. "I was angery at i phased and as i do so my anger grew......i got so angery my animal side took over and i....i killed her"he says sobbing. You walk over to him and hug him. He cries into your shoulder "It wasnt was your animal side who killed her"you say to him. You feel him nod "I havent phased worryied i'll kill anyone close to me"he says through his tears. Suddenly you hear a howl and your grip on Jon tightens. Jon laughs and pulls away wiping his eyes "Dont worr its just Sam"he says. "WHAT!"you say shocked. "Sam is a werewolf and me and Brad are Lycans"says Jon. "Whoa"you says still shocked"My fave animal" You look outside and see a wolf run around the garden.
  7. The next morning you wake up with a sun beam on your face. You get up and stretch "Ah lovely morning!"you say. You get up and get dressed into a purple tank top, denim shorts and black converse. You run down stairs "MORNING BOYS AND GIRL!"you shout"Oh wheres Pap" "Hunting"says Turnel. "What do you mean 'hunting'?"you ask. "Oh i forgot she is a vamp"says Sam. "WHAT THE HELL, IM SHARING A HOUSE WITH A VAMP!"you yell. "She only drinks the blood of animals"says Tirnel. "Well thats good"you say. Jon comes thudding down the stairs saying "Im so happy, im Mary fricken Popins(!)" You sit down "Happy(!)"says Sam with a laugh. You look around "Wheres Brad"you ask. "What? I thought he was training!"says Jon. "I thought he was here!"you and Sam say. Paprika comes in "Hey yall"she says"Why the long faces?" "Brad didnt appear"says Jon"He is not in his room" "Well where is he!"asks Paprika. "WE.DONT.KNOW!"says Tirnel....
  8. You and the others look around the house. You take the basement "Brad!?"you shout into the darkness"Wheres the light?" You run your hand along the wall to find a light switch "Aha"you say, your turn the light on "AAAAAHHHHH!"you scream, you are face-to-face with a creepy clown. You sigh "Damn it" You push it out of the way and keep walking. Walking over rubbish and trash you find a door, old, rusty and mouldy. You reach for the handle and the door just swings open. You walk through the door and enter a room full of mirrors. "Whoa!"you exclame. You see a figure move behind you. You turn but noone is there. You look back at the mirrors and see Brad standing there "BRAD!"you yell. He cant see you. You walk closer to the biggest mirror in the room "Brad!"you shout. No answer. The light in the room is getting brighter and brighter. You put your arm across your eyes "BRAD!"you yell again. The light is blinding you. As quick as it came the light is gone and you are on the floor.
  9. You slowly open your eyes and see Brad standing over you. You go to say something but nothing comes out 'Talk through your mind'thinks Brad. 'Why..where are we?'you think. 'Well we cant talk out loud because of the mirror cure, and we are in nowhere'he thinks. Your mouth is wide open 'So how do we get out?'you ask.....
  10. Cliffhanger!!! Who is your fave character?

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