Midnight Love (Part 1) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Midnight Love (Part 1).

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  • I like Chris ;) Good quiz and thanks for reading my quiz! I'm about to read part 2.

  • I like your quiz :) Chris and Ethan are cool and it made me curious about the next part

  • Its a good quiz. I think you should add mpre deatail and slow it down a bit. Its a good start, oh maybe make it longer. If you want that is, some very short quizzes turn out to be great ones.

  • Well Chris I got from Paranormal Love but Ethan was from a book series called Beautiful Creatures so really I only copied 1 name but thank you bookpony672 and booknerd224 for commenting on my quiz and yes I love THG as well!!!

    Beautiful Games
  • It's a nice start. You could be a little more descriptive and it was brief but good.

    Can't wait for the next part!!

  • Off to a good start.I wouldn't use any more names that happen to be in Paranormal Love though.People might accuse you of copying.(I'm pretty sure she was your inspiration though, I saw you comment on her recent quiz.)Btw, don't you just LOVE saying HG quotes aloud in capitol accents?My favorite are "May the odds be ever in your favor."(Of course),"Katniss Everdeen, the girl on fire"(Cinna) and "Up up up!It's going to be a big big big day!"(Effie).


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