Maximum Ride: The Final Warning ULTIMATE Quiz

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A lot of people have read the Maximum Ride series. But few remember all of the little details from the fourth and shortest book, The Final Warning, and I have put those little details, and some of the main ideas, into this quiz. So, be prepared for the HARDEST (or not) Maximum Ride quiz you ever took!

Do YOU remember all of the little details from the Final Warning? Do you remember who betrayed the flock or who the Uber-Director was? Well, now you can test your memory in this, Maximum Ride: The Final Warning ULTIMATE Quiz!

Created by: faxness201
  1. (Easy) What is the name of the scientist that Max is jealous of?
  2. (Easy) What target number is Max in the Prologue?
  3. (Easy) What is the name of the white malamute that Total has a crush on?
  4. (Medium) Who is Bryan's sibling?
  5. (Medium) Who got attacked by a leopard seal and was exposed for betraying the flock?
  6. (Medium) What is the name of the Uber-Director's assistant?
  7. (Hard) What animal did Angel want from Antarctica?
  8. (Hard) What type of hurricane came to Miami?
  9. (Hard) Who is the Uber-Director?
  10. (TQ) What type of enemy is introduced in this book?

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