Malcolm in the middle

there are smart people in the world but some are so smart they have to go into special classes i am going to talk silly now gfhnghn fsggdh xvgt hnuhjj ,kjhl,ihl ujikj xfvsegh g5t

so are u a genuis if not go away now only smart people can answer these questions now i with talk silly for a moment as d er gv erfrerfe jiy gthtyh ji ik ujth degetge dqwerfw3r thank you for playing

Created by: nikita
  1. Who is malcolm
  2. What kind of person is Louis???
  3. What does Reese like doing????
  4. Where did Louis send Francis too????
  5. how big is Hal?????
  6. What does Dewy and Hal make into a city???
  7. is Malcolm the????
  8. is Reese the ?????
  9. Where does Louis work????
  10. Later on in the show Louis gts pregnant what sex is it???

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